Increased chance to encounter Shiny Voltorb and Shiny Electrike.
PokeStop showcases will be available
Global Challenge
Trainers around the world will work together to unlock the following rewards. The challenge is Nice Curveball throws.
Level 1 Rewareds
2x XP for catching Pok�mon
Level 2 Rewards
2x Stardust for catching Pokemon
An additional event-themd Field Research task will unlock
Fidough and its evolution, Dachsbun will be available for the first time in Pok�mon Go
Level 3 Rewards
2.5 XP for catching Pok�mon
An additional event-themd Field Research task will unlock
Hisuian Growlithe will be available in the wild. Lucky trainers
will encounter Greavard
Level 4 Rewards
2.5x Stardust for catching Pokemon
Level 5 Rewards
3x XP for catching Pok�mon
3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
Level 6 Rewards
4x XP for catching Pok�mon
4x Stardust for catching Pokemon
The following Pok�mon will appear more frequently in the wild.
Event-themed Field Research tasks will be available